Your new home awaits.

Please complete a rental application.


By submitting the online application, I understand I have the right to dispute the accuracy of any information provided to the Owner / Agent by a screening service or credit reporting agency. I am aware that an incomplete application may cause delays or result in denial of of tenancy. I certify the above information is correct and complete and hereby authorize you to make any inquires you feel necessary to evaluate my tenancy and credit standing, including but not limited to credit checks. 

Application Process:

The application process usually takes 1-3 business days. To be considered for an available unit the following steps must be completed:

  • Completed Rental Application – EACH applicant over 18 years of age who will be residing in the unit must complete in its entirety and sign.

  • Provide Credit Check and Processing Fee – EACH applicant over 18 years of age who will be residing in the unit must pay a $45.00 Application Fee.

  • Payment methods for this fee may be online using Paypal or Venmo, check or money order, made payable to Andrusko Property Management Group.

  • Credit check and processing fees are non-refundable. The amount charged covers the actual cost of credit report, unlawful detainer (eviction) search and/or other screening reports and the administrative costs to obtain, process and verify screening information.

  • Provide income documentation. Applicants can provide them to us, via email or in person. Income documentation includes copies of your most recent pay stubs, offer letters or tax returns.

  • Please provide photo of current ID and in some cases photo of Social Security Card.

  • Please provide photo of pet if it will be living with you.

We will not begin working on your application until we receive all of these items.

If you prefer, you may download our application as a PDF, print it, and bring it with you to the open house.