Have an issue?

Please complete a maintenance request and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.


All requests for maintenance and repairs must be made by completing the Maintenance Request form

  • You must give us permission to use our keys for entry or you must be home to let the repair person in.

  • After business hours, evenings and weekends we can only accommodate emergency repairs which are generally limited to plumbing emergencies

  • If there is an animal on the property, it either must be contained or you will need to be present when the maintenance is performed.

  • For after hour emergencies please call our answering service at (503-761-7723).

Andrusko Property Management Group will cover the cost of most plumbing repairs, however you should be aware that we do not cover the costs of repairs that are due to a tenants’ negligence or lack of care.

Andrusko Property Management Group will not pay to clear jammed or frozen garbage disposals.

Service call fee to clear jammed disposal is $75.00.

This is the most common type of maintenance request and is almost always caused by misuse or overuse of the garbage disposal. They are delicate machines and are not intended to rind up many kinds of foods or a large volume of food. Use the garbage disposal at your own risk!

If you lock yourself out of your apartment you will have to call a locksmith at your own expense. If management handles a lockout, a $75.00 fee is due at the time of the lock out.

For emergency repairs you may call the office (503) 761-7723 and then follow up by completing the online form.